The Food System Research conducted its first round of funding 2020. Some of the projects have now come to fruition. Here we summarize what we learned so far.
RFP: Identifying paths to reducing growth in animal product consumption in populous low and middle-income countries
This RFP attracted great research projects, with the majority focusing on understanding consumer sentiments and demand for alternatives to animal-based food products in China. Other projects scoped various aspects of animal agriculture in China and Southeast Asia.
RFP: Addressing knowledge gaps around the economics of the animal protein and plant-based alternatives markets
Projects addressing this RFP provide valuable insights into the plant-based market, including which products to prioritize, animal product displacement, and the effects of industry scaling.
RFP: Identifying new promising techniques to shift the food system towards being more plant-based
Completed projects addressing this RFP provide innovative solutions and insights into expanding the presence of plant-based foods.
RFP: Addressing knowledge gaps related to existing advocacy techniques
Efforts attempting to reduce the consumption of animal products cover a wide range of strategies and approaches, some of which are much better understood than others. Completed projects in this area point to possible overestimation of intervention effects in other studies and to the importance of cultural factors.
Other research
Two completed projects did not fit into our RFPs, but still aligned with our mission. Both studies identify important barriers to transitioning the food system away from animals, one from the consumers’ and the other from the producers’ perspective.