Request for Proposal - “Policy”

Meat Policy Case Studies

Deadline: Setpember 1, 2024


Price parity is a major factor in widespread consumer adoption of meat, egg, and dairy alternatives, and these prices differ greatly by country. As such, we would like to learn where and why those price differences exist.


Proposals submitted under this RFP should identify countries where the consumer cost of animal products is more reflective of true cost and explore which government policies have resulted in that situation. Government policies might include, for example, regulations, research support, or subsidies. Policies could be at national or subnational levels. 


Successful proposals will address some or all of the following points.

  • Determine countries in which consumer prices of animal products (meat, eggs, dairy) meat are higher than average relative to other food items sold in the country

  • Scope the range of government policies that have influenced animal product prices, either increasing or decreasing the consumer price

  • Assess each policy in terms of its ability to increase costs, either by applying or removing the policy

  • Assess the feasibility of implementing these policies elsewhere, especially in highly populous countries

Before beginning your application, please review our FAQs and policies.