Exploring First Trials: Catalysts for Chinese Consumers Trial of Plant-based Meat

Focus Area: “PLIMs”-  Identifying paths to reducing growth in animal product consumption in populous low and middle-income countries

PI: Keri Szejda

Date Awarded: December 2021 (FSRF 2021-1-013)


This study addresses the RFP “identifying paths to reducing growth in animal product consumption in PLMICs”. Specifically, we assessed retrospective behavior to determine the conditions under which first trials of plant-based meat occur. The mixed-method survey study included Generation Z and Millennial (ages 15-39) Chinese consumers’ previous behavior and experiences. Questions for those who have already tried plant-based meat focused on understanding what led to their trials, their experiences, and outcomes, such as repeat trials or adoption. For those who had not yet tried plant-based meat, questions focused on their lack of trial and their primary motivations and barriers. Data analysis includes a combination of descriptive statistics and thematic analyses of open-ended response data. Knowledge gained from this study provides further understanding of the best marketing strategies to promote consumption of plant-based alternatives.

Further Information: The final report can be found here. Research materials are posted on Open Science Framework here.